The Instruction and Outreach Department manages and coordinates library research instruction for students, faculty and staff through course-related workshops, outreach activities, personal consultations, research guides and other instructional materials.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Instruction Retreat: Digital Literacies

Last week was a busy one that included my presentation on learning outcomes assessment at a North Carolina Library Association workshop as well as our annual instruction retreat on digital literacies.  The retreat has generated a few blog posts already, but I'll add mine to the mix.

Ellysa Stern Cahoy came down from Happy Valley aka Penn State to be our keynote speaker.  Ellysa led a great workshop on digital literacies.  She asked participants to define "information literacy," "technology literacy," and "media literacy" and we're looking forward to seeing the Wordle word clouds from that exercise.  Later we were joined by five faculty members who talked about the new kinds of assignments they are giving -- everything from video field notes to photo essays to creating virtual environments.  It was clear from the faculty panel that students aren't as tech savvy as we imagine.  And it was terrific to hear from faculty that they want closer collaboration with librarians in order to help students identify, use, and document sources that they incorporate into multimedia presentations.

We ventured downstairs to our library instruction room to look at some tools for finding and using images.  Ellysa demonstrated Kaltura, which they're using at Penn State.   Jill Vermillion showed participants how to access digital collections at Duke, and Kevin Smith shared an encouraging message about transformative uses of copyrighted material (you can read Kevin's thoughts in this blog post).

The last part of the retreat featured a panel of folks from across Duke who support faculty and student acquisition of digital literacy skills.  It was a lively discussion that helped librarians understand what training and assistance was available on campus.  Out of that discussion came suggestions for information sharing and further collaboration.

Emily and I are grateful for the collaborative energies that contributed to a lively, thought-provoking and idea-generating instruction retreat.  Lots of ideas to follow up.  And what will next year's retreat topic be?

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